The Option Model for the New Millennium.

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--- About Us What we found that prompted us to develop our option program.
--- The OSCC overview of option trading.
--- The OSCC Option Model.
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--- The Accuracy of the OSCC Option Model.
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Last Updated on 10/31/2019 By Tom B
As used throughout this web site: 10/31/2019

OSCC is a trademark of Option Services for Commodities, Corporation.
CME is a registered trademark of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc.
CBT, CBT and Project Aâ are Registered Trademarks of the Chicago Board of Trade.
Copyright 1999-2007 OPTION SERVICES for COMMODITIES, CORPORATION All Rights Reserved

This site relates to option trading of commodity options and futures with strategies that buy or sell puts and calls either long or short for profit on treasury bonds and notes, Dow Jones Index, soybean products, corn, wheat, oats, rough rice and T-Bond options on the CBT, Chicago Board of Trade through "floor traders". We are also doing 6 currencies from the CME, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the Japanese Yen, British Pound, Swiss Franc, the Euro FX (ECU) and the Australian and Canadian dollars. We also do 5 agriculture products, the S&P 500, NASDAQ 100 and Eurodollars related to European and Economic Monetary Union (EMU) interest rates. Commodities are a high risk speculative hedging investment and traders should use brokers for trading contracts who keep their funds and money in accounts with high rates. This site provides free commentary, and technical analysis on commodity futures and option premiums by OSCC from our futures charts and option charts for use by traders.
This site no longer provides free quotes, although we do provide a free commodity ticker.